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  • Quote from Rangervall: “I'm going to get me some Caaaaaake. I read and accept the updated rules. ” How bout an authentic German Caaaaaake? A Schwarzwald gateau

  • CoNmunity Championship sign up - August

    LordEpson - - Events


    You know I'm in As always - I agree

  • Missiles are used with a launcher system - Cruise missile launcher, Ballistic missile launcher, ICBM launcher, submarines, Cruiser boat, tier 2+ planes...

  • Alaska

    LordEpson - - Suggestions


    So as I was going through taking various provinces, I noticed that Alaska is pretty much useless outside of a few VP. As a suggestion, perhaps add a "Fuel" resource in one of them. In the real world, Alaska is one of the top oil producers in the US (2nd behind Texas). Denver is shown as a "Fuel" location, however Denver is actually only 7th in the country in oil production.

  • CoNmunity Championship sign up - July

    LordEpson - - Events


    I'm in again - And I agree

  • insurgents stacks

    LordEpson - - General Discussion


    After I had posted it... I realized that it was a month and a half old thread Just personally, I haven't had issues with them - and thought maybe an increasing difficulty might make things more interesting lol

  • insurgents stacks

    LordEpson - - General Discussion


    Just a thought on # of spawns - perhaps adjust for the life of the map? As in Day 1-7 = 1 spawn, Day 8-14 = 2 spawn, Day 15-30 = 3 spawn(this be max?) You would think that as the map progresses, the nations playing would be better equipped to handle more than 1 as it goes on. Example is that at a certain point when I have a squadron of 5 strike fighters, I end up taking out the insurgents in 1 pass, so it's not an issue to send a single infantry to retake the city.

  • Oh no - nothing wrong with it.. just a funny post of the frustrations of eliminating an enemy lol

  • ....and something just doesn't add up.

  • radar blips

    LordEpson - - Suggestions


    Yeah... you're right.. probably ahead of myself on that one lol - it would take up additional server storage to save a history of every map in play, then use up a lot of server memory for every player that is using the history at the moment (which makes a lil grey dot on the map sound a lot better )

  • radar blips

    LordEpson - - Suggestions


    Well... another thought, another approach.... "Rewind" The ability to rewind game play and 4x/10x back to current - that way there's no logs, no adding a new type of blip - you can see what actually happened while you weren't looking

  • radar blips

    LordEpson - - Suggestions


    It was my example picture.. wasn't it?

  • radar blips

    LordEpson - - Suggestions


    So having the "historical blips" would kinda tell you if there is something out there, where it was, and how long ago it was encountered. If you figure how far something might have traveled during that time, you may be able to focus search efforts to a limited area rather than "The Whole Pacific"

  • radar blips

    LordEpson - - Suggestions


    If you want to look at the operations of a ship, there is 24 hour operation. When the Capt'n sleeps, there's still someone on the radar. And when the Capt'n wakes up, he's given a report of overnight activities, so it wouldn't be in total inaccuracy to have historical blips of what a unit saw during the night.

  • radar blips

    LordEpson - - Suggestions


    What I mentioned was: "History shows the last contact of the "blip" and updates if it re-enters radar range." - This way you don't have like 10 grey blips dotted around the same area if it keeps going in and out of range. If it moves back into radar range, the historical blip is removed and a new one is created when/if it moves out of radar range again.

  • radar blips

    LordEpson - - Suggestions


    I think this example is more along the lines of what has been suggested - a history of "blips" that have been detected when a unit has moved out of radar range. History shows the last contact of the "blip" and updates if it re-enters radar range. Otherwise, after what was mentioned as 12 hours, the "blip" gets wiped off the map if it has not re-entered radar or visual range by any of your units. See example:…

  • Look and see if you have a "Conversation" waiting at the top of the forum near "Notifications"

  • CoNmunity Championship sign up - June

    LordEpson - - Events


    NAP = Non-Aggression Pact (2 countries that agree not to attack each other)

  • Epsilon Company (ECo)

    LordEpson - - Recruitment Centre


    Finally got around to creating the logo - with that, Epsilon Company (ECo) is ready for members

  • CoNmunity Championship sign up - June

    LordEpson - - Events


    Ingame: LordEpson Agree with Rules Let's Rock and Roll!!