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  • happy birthday game #4508937

  • games 4508937 4508856 4250320 also not loading

  • for what it's worth... as india, if i'm expanding west... airborn infantry. if i'm conquering to the east... naval infantry. india's always my first choice when available. if not, something in south america... brazil, colombia, even peru a couple of times. on the flashpoint maps... Poland (a couple of single-city AIs on your borders to help get you started) US or Russia after that. Russia seems to border countries that are not very attractive to the upper-level players so your main threat will b…

  • I hate to pile on... but, the reordering of the queue has been a huge pain in the tuckus for as long as i care to remember. Early game, not a big deal, when there are only a dozen or so items on the menu. Later in the game, when I'm annexing cities and building reinforcements, that number can easily get into the 60's and upward. I don't pretend to understand the intricacies and workload involved in game creation, so i have nothing useful to offer as an alternative (except not jumping back to the…

  • CoN What ifs 3

    letstrythisout - - Off Topic


    the world has been waiting for a good Stargate game... but until then, i'd play a CON with teleports


  • welcome to the club... you can pick up your jacket on your way to the lido deck where Rozne will be serving the champagne.

  • i remember when... the appearance of a flashing yellow rectangle in the lower right corner meant that you had successfully eliminated another foe... recently, it simply means a couple dozen folks have uninstalled the app because they couldn't be bothered to visit the FAQ (or here) and couldn't figure out what they were playing. (grumble grumble grumble)

  • 100(ish) conventional (almost depleted), 30 chemical (25 used), and 40 nukes (with another 48 already in the queue). this is the first time in a looong time since i've used warheads... i'm not generally a fan of the investment it takes... but i'm planning to nuke the entire map at the end for a fun, thanos-eque moment of raining fire!!!

  • i wish it had played out that way... there WERE some fun, challenging battles early on, but for the last month or so i've been antagonizing the bots so they will take some of my lands to offset the increasing victory points of my cities. i've annexed all of my occupied cities and now i'm going to find out how many complete lines of research i can finish before it feels too much like a job. (and i try to nuke every remaining city simultaneously) but i do appreciate the congrats.

  • ``````````````````````````

  • day 105...

  • 4x can be a bit too fast if you're someone who sleeps through the night... or has a job. 1x leaves A LOT of free time between bursts of excitement. let's split the difference and conquer the world at a double time march.