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  • Thailand. Really reccomend this country to people who like action from day one and having the action continue well into mid/lategame as once you deal with neighbouring Myanmar and Vietnam, there is Indo and Philipines to worry about, once those are dealt with you can get into troubles with Australia, China, India. Sometimes they skip the order and Phili comes to you on day one... All-rounder country to keep one vigilant.

  • Frigates should be nerfed

    Zefyros22 - - General Discussion


    Quote from HulkHogann: “OP has a point in terms of general play. ” Frigates are solid unit and as any other solid unit if used correctly it can punch above its weight. However... I think he is way off the mark by calling it cheap and asking for nerf due to that. Motorized infantry with good enough supply production is cheap ? Yes. Is national guard cheap unit ? Hell yes. But Frigate ? I can produce just one or two pieces per day in typical midgame. I cant force myself to call it cheap...

  • Frigates should be nerfed

    Zefyros22 - - General Discussion


    Quote from shrek6satan: “They're too cheap, they have anti air which is too long of a range the only thing who can actually beat them is a unit stronger than them which to me is bad game design. They should have advantages and disadvantages who can balance each other out. A player who spams frigates will outmatch every other player even if the other player makes cruirsers just by sheer numbers. In general navy in my view is kinda unbalanced like there should be coastol defenses or maybe make cor…

  • Quote from KFGauss: “Here's a life-lesson - Don't develop a reputation for confidently writing about subjects you don't understand (You didn't "know [correct] answer"). When you accidentally make a mistake - Admit it and apologize, don't pretend it's OK. ” Since we are dealing with life lessons, let me provide one too. Whenever somebody gives you an advice you have no obligation to follow it since the one giving advice usually isnt the one who has to deal with consequences of sticking to said ad…

  • Quote from KFGauss: “A) B) C) ” D) I see somebody asking question. I know answer. I post an answer albeit not 100% accurate cause I dont want to dig too deep into said topic. End of story. E) Its not like folks in this forum are waaaaaaaaay too busy discussing strategies / bugs / new things one offtopic thing will throw them off.

  • Quote from Tifo_14: “It's just edgy children attempting to make a very unoriginal transphobic joke. ” Its one way of saying ,,just cause you think you can do it doesnt mean you really can". Works as reminder that even if human will is capable of dealing with obstacles, it doesnt bend laws of universe.

  • Quote from Mother Hen: “I've seen several people in the past few weeks say they identify as an attack helicopter. What does that mean ? ” It is an inside joke connected with question whether ones s*x is defined by biology or society. Some ppl think its biologicaly defined and your XX or XY chromozomes make you male or female. Others say its matter of psychology and you should be the one deciding whether you are male or female. Second group consists of ppl who are trying to push legislatives like…

  • I keep switching this and this

  • Quote from Randomguy93: “It seems that cheating and using multiple accounts has become very common in CON. And I get the feeling that the company that runs this doesn't care as long as they get more money out of it, i.e. additional security council memberships and gold purchases. And they may look at it like it will encourage some honest players to buy gold to fight against the cheaters. Who then buy gold to counter. And that is what the company wants. The developers probably care, but don't hav…

  • Quote from Teburu: “Quote from Zefyros22: “Your pontoons can be used by opponents, your logistics cannot. ” It does also boost opponents; you just had the speed advantage because the other guy still gets the speed penalty. ” I had 7 towed artillery + mobile radar + 1 SAM + 1 MAA stack ... that thing is no lamborgini and I was outrunning stacks of tanks+CRV+moto infantry. I would expect speed boost your opponent got was due to him trying to rush.

  • Your pontoons can be used by opponents, your logistics cannot.

  • Quote from TheShinwacker: “That is a good solution ingame but it might not work. If the Player is cheating then a raid like that would basically be a 1 v 2 or a 1 v 1 where the enemy has twice the strength you do. ” Thats exactly the reason why it could work. Cheating player thinks his oponent is looking at situation with reasoning ,,I cant fight 5 countries at once." Cheater will expect you will simply withdraw and prepare for siege the best you can. Thats why he wont expect swift counterattack…

  • Quote from Teburu: “Quote from _dany20_: “Are u sure enemy units can use logistics I build? I've asked on discord and multiple players said that they can't ” Yes. ” Pretty sure they cant. I am using artillery hit and run all the time and speed difference was always in my favor when using logistics. Not to mention in case I had to abandon that province logistics got destroyed immediately upon conquest.

  • Dont take it personally, but by cruise missiles not working you mean you click lets say F-15 ,click on missile and click on radar signature and cruise missile doesnt fly ? Targeting only centers of provinces or cities sounds like something ballistic missile does.

  • Quote from Erusuov: “ - What to do ? ” I would suggest raiding one of those countries and destroying it completely - if you have lets say 8 wars due to that coalition starting war with you (+rogue, +some AIs or unfinished business), dont bother with trying to keep its cities against rogue, just conquer all provinces and towns asap till country is out of game. Dont stop, keep going for other. Then the other and other. Once only one is left / they are completely gone, you can retake cities and pro…

  • I never played as Finland, but being small country has positives. For example missile defense - 2 or 3 TDS in Tampere will pretty much take care of it. Other 2-3 for Oulu and its done deal. As currently Australia I needed 14 TDS to keep my cities from missiles. Not to mention you need like 3 corvettes and your coast is secure against naval infantry rushes. For strategy - I would suggest giving a try to hitting first with heavy stack. Worked for me in case of New Zealand.

  • Average morale low

    Zefyros22 - - Questions & Answers


    How many wars do you have right now ? Try to reduce them as much as possible - by completely conquering opponents or getting peace with them. That could somewhat help to increase rate of morale recovery.

  • Obsolete Helicopters?

    Zefyros22 - - General Discussion


    Quote from Zanahoria_thai: “I don't see any advantage over fixed wing vehicles except the lvl1 airport needed for light helis. Attackers and specially elite attackers can do the same task by the same cost or even lower. ASW helicopter is pretty humiliated by his fixed wing equivalent, wich is faster, covers more sea and deals more damage by the same cost. I won't talk about the helicopter officer because that bro is the most useless guy in the tree (imo) I think helis need a buff or rework, like…

  • Quote from japan samurai: “so here is what made we ask this question, playing as an island means you are isolated from other players, not necessarily safe from invasions which can be made by dudes sending their army into you're coastal cities. But the main point here is, ships are expensive, hard to use for defence (due to hit and run) and also extremely hard to predict where the enemy would attack. Considering how if the enemy is skilled, this makes an effective defence of an island nation almo…

  • What just happened ?

    Zefyros22 - - Questions & Answers


    Squadron cycle map. Update is like this. That infantry unit was lost. So yeah, grounded ASF that after 1st attack lost 2/3 of HP killed 80% healthy infantry unit. I kid you not. And... almost killed my other infantry unit. And as cherry on top - my single national guard with 0,1 dmage to buildings put bunker from 10 to 4 hp and airfield from 9 to 1 hp. Moral of the story - dont bother trying to capture airfields, game mechanism screws you up.