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  • h e l p p l e a s e

    The JigSAW - - Bug Reports & Issues


    Been happening to me for almost two days, glad to see I'm not the only one.

  • Seasonal Units

    The JigSAW - - General Discussion


    So if I keep membership and qualify with points for season 5's unit I get.. season 3? and then season 1 during season 6? Honestly that's an awesome thing to do. That AIP submarine was beautiful.

  • Okay, I'm having a hell of a hard time purchasing the $9.99 Security Council membership. I've tried to use Amazon Pay, PayPal, Visa, etc and it always denies the transaction even though the money is there and works on every other site. I'm trying to buy it to perma-unlock the railgun but it keeps getting declined despite having the funds, can you help?

  • Idea for new game mode

    The JigSAW - - General Discussion


    I understand that there is a very big issue going on with the usage of gold, but there is a pretty simple solution to it as far as I can tell. Why not just have an entire ranked game mode where nobody can spend it? The mode would allow sales and such to go through but you could not use it during the length of the game, removing a massive advantage that some players have over others. I've encountered a few users that easily turned games around with their wallet over their brains, but what really …