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  • I think this will create a wrong crowd to some extent but you know what? I'd say yes XD Why not create different rogue state factions? I know it'll take some work and it potentially would get more players in one map. Although the main issue would be getting more people on that map to play as the diverse rogue state factions. Anyway, if you guys intend to implement the rogue state as playable faction, could you guys please at least create more units for them? Like... seriously, with only 1 kind o…

  • So hovv do I knovv if I'm a non-fronline player? Because I think I'm not a fronliner XD

  • Same here. Game ID=2088052 Tried to join a nevv game but meh, same error.

  • It is probably there for the future updates. I'll assume the devs will make provinces able to produce resources. I don't know, it's just a hunch.

  • You shall not pass!!!

    Summer95 - - Suggestions


    It's a known issue. It should be fixed soon enough. Also, paratroopers can't reach that place. I've tested it and nope, my airborne can't even go there via air assault XD In other words; an untouchable city.

  • New Unit... National Guard

    Summer95 - - General Discussion


    I assume the Nat Guards plays the role of militias from CoW. I admit, I never used militias or Nat Guards but I'll assume their role is to defend cities and probably used to prevent rebellions.

  • Issue : Scarcity

    Summer95 - - Bug Reports & Issues


    I just want to ask; can you guys tone down the rare mats requirement to annex the city a bit? I think 2,5k is a bit too high. Maybe 2,3k? Yes, I get this update is meant to slow down the overly aggressive.... I mean, less peaceful players and make the players pay more attention to economy. Yes, I upgraded the rare provinces to boost up the rare production but even so, I feel like it's kind of high. Yes, I know we can't always fill up our research que everyday like CoW. Yes, I know this is just l…

  • Quote from Oceanhawk: “Enemy 1: "My heavy bombers are airborne, where did you say his airbase was?"Enemy 2: "Its in ilikeitbignjuicy" Enemy 1: "Im sorry, where the hell is that?" Enemy 2: "Its in the southern half of Ihavebiggrapes" Enemy 1: "Chap are you serious? All I can find is fortchucknorris" Enemy 2: "My radar spotted one of his planes just above covfefe, can you send your airsupremacy fighters?" Enemy 1: WHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ” This! XD I could stand being slaughtered by …

  • Its just how it is. Once you're done producing the warheads, it can be used by any of your units with the ability to launch it regardless of their location. Yes, I know it's not "realistic" but do I care about realism? No. You can try to put up suggestions about it if you want. I'm not going to stop you or anything XD

  • Tax reforms (ingame)

    Summer95 - - Suggestions


    Personally, I appreciate anything that would increase my resource output. If the devs implement this, I hope they implement per province, not nationwide otherwise I think newly conquered provinces will have hard time with their new maste... *coughs* government. Something that bothers me about this idea is the fact that morale also affects production. If we lower the morale, wouldn't that mean the production will get lower as well?

  • Insurgents: A unit often Ignored

    Summer95 - - Suggestions


    Quote from Germanico: “Wait till we give them the ability to move... haraharhar. ” Petrov! Pack the nuke, we got work to do! Yuri failed to shoot everyone in the city we conquered yesterday! On a serious note, I agree. the insurgents really need to start moving around. I tend to ignore them because they just stand there. Slowing me down? Nope. I don't even feel their existence. I just ignore them, go after the main targets then return to smash them with little to no problems.


    Summer95 - - News and Updates


    Quote from Germanico: “They combine the features of bunkers, hospitals and airbases – all rolled into one, ” I assume that means the outpost can; heal our troops, station our air units and protect our population? That's a nice addition O.O

  • Gold Limit?

    Summer95 - - General Discussion


    Quote from Flamestar101: “I Don't Think So, Tho They Should Add System That Everytime You Win A Match You Get Gold, Like In CoW ” I believe that reward system already existed. If you win a game or survive until someone wins, you will get a gold based on your VPs. Don't ask me the ratios, I didn't count or pay attention to it XD Anyway, back to the main topic here. 100 units in 4 days? That is absolutely impossible, no matter how you look at it. Highly likely he is spending tons of gold on that m…

  • Funny Jokes/Memes

    Summer95 - - Off Topic


    Quote from greatbighippo: “ ” I'm not Ghana lie, I wonder how are you going to survive there let alone Raleigh the army to conquer the world.

  • Leftovers

    Summer95 - - Questions & Answers


    That's just how the game it is. Even if you captured the entire nation (all of the provinces and the cities), it will still listed in the game. If you wonder why it's active, my best guess would be: 1) He is still actively checking his game when you conquered him 2) He actually didn't log in to that map but you know how the system works; the game will consider you inactive once you didn't log in for certain amount of days. I forgot was it 2 or 3 days?

  • Russia is so huge!

    Summer95 - - General Discussion


    I once played as Russia. Conquered most of Europe and China. I got no real allies until late game and my ally was... not really doing anything at all if you ask my opinion. Until US of A come and beat me senseless. Luckily (for me) the game ended because I believe he reached the required VP to won XD And that US is replying in this thread as well. Heheh, GG on that game man

  • Russia is so huge!

    Summer95 - - General Discussion


    Indeed XD

  • Building Outside of Cities!

    Summer95 - - Suggestions


    To get bonus from entrenchment, just put your units at the center of the waypoint. If they sit right at the center of the waypoint of the prov/city, they will gain entrenchment bonus indicated by small shield icon above them.

  • Aircraft Carrier

    Summer95 - - General Discussion


    Just tell the planes to fly there and done. Please remember that only "carrier-based aircraft" may land on carriers. Normal planes won't able to land on carriers. Naval Air sups, Naval Strike fighters and all choppers are "carrier-based aircraft".

  • Russia is so huge!

    Summer95 - - General Discussion


    I've heard some people able to beat Russia senseless by playing as "smaller countries". Big country size doesn't mean you can win easily.