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  • increase manpower

    ee12313 - - Suggestions


    can we have like some sorta house in provinces or cities to get more manpower?

  • free resources for allies

    ee12313 - - Suggestions


    can allies give each other resources for free? its really hard trading in market because if a person has less money its hard for allies to trade, giving each other resources for free would be better, there should be like a share button thing that allows to share will allies, thanks.

  • allies sharing resources

    ee12313 - - Suggestions


    It will be great if allies can share resources for free, if we put a deal in the market for trading then other people might buy it. for an example, if i put up a sell deal up there for 1000 components for 5$ each to sell to my allies and then if other people put a buy deal 1000 components for 5$ each too then it will automatically give it to that person, it did cause a lotta problems in games, i see tons of people talking about sharing resources for free with allies in discord servers, it would …