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  • Do Nukes work against enemy naval units now ? I remember using a nuke against a giant invasion fleet during a game, and utterly nothing happened to any of the inbound enemy ships. It was one of those "Oh Nuts, now what" moments. I'm not a fan of WMD but I think inbound enemy ships are fair game.

  • 3 Word Story

    Blastradius - - Off Topic


    inspires burning rage

  • GENERAL UPDATE 20170928

    Blastradius - - News and Updates


    I saw the official post about a 20170929 patch to allow CAP fighters to receive attack orders without refueling. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! That was fast too. Well Done.

  • RE-VECTOR UPDATE 20170929

    Blastradius - - News and Updates


    Quote from Gorczyk: “ Dear Pilots, From today onward you will finally be able to change your flight vector mid-flight, and in any direction. So no more returning to base and refuelling while trying to intercept those pesky bombers… Good hunting! ” Yes! Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou. Sign me up for a 100 likes on this patch.

  • Quote from Liqter: “Convo before war ” Hmmm, If the surprise attack hasn't done you too much damage, then I would be inclined to say " Ceasefire Now. Get Out in 4 hours or I will Atomize your biggest cities" The guy knows you have nukes so unless the player is a clueless kid ... they will get out. Keep your nukes for when they are the weapon of last resort.

  • GENERAL UPDATE 20170928

    Blastradius - - News and Updates


    Quote from Cyclone46: “@Germanico I found another change that is not listed and am wondering if it was on purpose. Game #2118170 I started to build a sup fighter at my capital in the level 1 airbase I originated with. Later, I started an upgrade to the airport for level 2. I noticed that my sup fighter is now "Paused due to deactivated building". But the base never took damage. And the base is half way through level 2 construction. If you intended this, then why is it not this way when building …

  • 3 Word Story

    Blastradius - - Off Topic


    because we've got

  • GENERAL UPDATE 20170928

    Blastradius - - News and Updates


    Quote from War-spite: “Just a suggestion for the airport damage rule, as Germanico said they did that to intentionally ground aircraft.. What if we had air units that when an enemy air unit came in radar range, they went into patrol over the airbase, but only if they didn't have orders already in place. So 4 strikes come in and attack an airfield with 5 air sup's on the ground. The air sups instead of sitting there and letting their field get destroyed, actually scramble to engage the enemy? ” I…

  • GENERAL UPDATE 20170928

    Blastradius - - News and Updates


    Two points. (1) The land speed for national guard seems to be 1.0 regardless of terrain type. Are they really faster than Marines, Special Operations, Mechanized Infantry in the jungle, forest and mountains? (2) I agree with Cyclone46 that disabling an airport which has only 20% damage is going to make them and all air units too vulnerable. Will all helicopter units and air-borne units suddenly be grounded until the airport is rebuilt? A level 5 airport (think O'Hare, Atlanta, or Toronto) has ma…

  • 2106815

    Blastradius - - Bug Reports & Issues


    Quote from Capuccio: “Two artillery of different level. Thanks for the pic, I will report it. ” Is that a bug, or a new feature? In the past there had been discussion about whether research upgrades should only apply to units built after the upgrade. (Not a bug fan of that) It's only been a week since the last massive update, so a lot of the new features haven't been fully put to the test. I had thought the new features would defer the start of combat a few days, but the old hot-spots exploded i…

  • 2106815

    Blastradius - - Bug Reports & Issues


    Is Russia's Q15 like America's Area 51?

  • MASSIVE UPDATE 20170914

    Blastradius - - News and Updates


    The use I see for the new "National Guard" is a city defenders. They move too slowly and have too little offensive power to put into battle, but when a city isn't building anything else and you have extra manpower - build some national guards. Two guard units are roughly as strong one motorized infantry, they are quick to build, A stack of 10 guards in a bunker could do a bang up job holding ownership of a critical city until reinforcements arrive. National guard units are not going to accompany…

  • MASSIVE UPDATE 20170914

    Blastradius - - News and Updates


    I feel a disturbance in the force. Thousands of CON players give a sigh of relief and say "Nice.." One change raises questions for me: Given how profound the changes in Annexation are, and how steeply the cost has risen to annex a city.... WHY would a player want to annex a city any more? What do we get in exchange for the 36 hour wait and the massive commitment of resources? More than any of the other changes, this one puzzles me. Blast Radius p.s. I love the idea of highways. Travel in South A…

  • Four points which would help CON game play. (1) A research queue which works the same way the building queue does. Maybe this too could be a security council feature. Especially in the first week of a game we want to keep those research slots filled. (2) Troop transport ships should never attack anything. Ever. Full Stop. Their only job is to deliver units across water safely. Make troop transport ships cowardly please. (3) If an plane or helicopter is only in the air for a few moments, it shoul…

  • Starting Armies

    Blastradius - - Bug Reports & Issues


    Quote from rana71: “I remind you that it is armed based on the real potential of each army Serbia is a nation that was part of the former Yugoslavia I was militarily weakened ” Rana71, I understand that there is some historical precedent for the initial size of each nation's forces. The challenge for players is that other than traditional super-powers, we can't tell whether the nation we select at the start of each game is competitive, or cannon fodder. When selecting a nation we know neither th…

  • You shall not pass!!!

    Blastradius - - Suggestions


    Quote from Gorczyk: “Known issue. Will be resolved with next update. ” Fess up, Huambo is a prison city where developers put annoying players, never to be seen again.

  • Gentlemen please. We are not going to rewrite history on this game board. War-Spite, make no mistake: The Confederate Flag is an overt declaration of white supremacist racism. It has been for at least the last 100 years by the in America. It is used in Germany by white supremacists who are forbidden by law from displaying swastikas. It is all about white supremacists. Full Stop. Maybe you like the flag,and maybe you like swastikas without b…

  • Dr. Leipreachan, What is up with the Confederate flag in your signature?

  • Task Force Ships

    Blastradius - - Bug Reports & Issues


    I have two unarmed troop transport ships on the open ocean, each with 3 Spec Ops on board, which are trying to attack an enemy cruiser? Why are unarmed troop transports attacking anything? They refuse to continue on their original course, and refuse to retreat. There is a message that retreats must be into friendly territory, but .... the entire ocean is friendly except for where the enemy cruiser is! When attacked, a troop transport should make smoke and RUN AWAY... (in different directions, if…

  • A quick follow-up on in-game coalitions. Good work. These seem to add cooperation which wasn't happening with ordinary pacts. Being able to see coalitions, but not pacts means some people avoid using coalitions. ? Should we be able to see pacts too ? I saw in the first post of this thread, that territories can be returned to their original owners within a coalition? How is that done? Los Angeles might have accidentally fallen into my pocket when I was transiting a load of troops through - how do…