Day 1 guide

    • Drony77 wrote:

      . . .
      I have neither time nor desire to do anything else here.
      . . .
      Hmmmm - That went well.

      I just now briefly thought about trying to do/write some of what I recommended above, but then I remembered that I can't, because I'm not in a game at the moment, and because even if I was, there might be differences in the Eastern, Western, and European early-game unit/building/research costs - And, even if I was in a game right now, it would be hard to recall what my day 1 resources and production were.

      Then I wished (again) for an improved Wiki that would include the information I would need.

      Then I decided that investing any time in this would have to wait until the start of my next game.


      But maybe I don't have to wait - Do any of you alliance or solo players both have the raw material I need, and care to share it?

      I'm not asking for your secret Day 1 strategies - Just for the raw data that describes a typical 5-city or 6-city opening position (resource/cash stockpiles, resource production/income) , and describes the costs and production/research times for basic units and buildings?

    • I never invested manpower for such research on public games, to be honest, but maybe the raw data for research time/unit costs/times that are used in most challenges may spare you tedious hand data gathering.
      Running an online alliance is pretty much like running a small company, except you need to find other way than money to keep your employees productive. May they play or work, they are humans.
    • Don't overthink day 1, it is only day 1 so not that important.

      Important is to plan ahead:
      • Where do I want to stand in 1 week?
      • What kind of units do I want to use?
      • How high is my production?
      • How many cities can I afford to keep producing units all the time?

      Many players start their day 1 by building Recruiting Office 1 and Army Base 1 in every city, which is just a waste of resources.

      3-4 Army Bases are sufficient for producing some infantry or recons.
      Recruitment Office is even more useless, because it is unlikely to run out of manpower before to run out of other resources, if you do not spam infantry like mad.

      If you go airforce or navy, 1-2 airports or navy bases are also sufficient. There is not point in having a airport everywhere, if you only produce resources for 1-2 air units per day.

      Instead use those resources to build up arms industry in cities with important resources, instead of building there production facitilies that will lay bare after 1-2 days.
      Also use those resources to upgrade your army bases and other buildings in advance. If you know you will research a unit that will need army base 2, don't start upgrading your army base after to finished the research.

      If you have resource provinces, don't just upgrade them blindly to level 3:
      1. going for beyong level 1 is not very efficient in the early phase. Level 1 doubles production (100%), 2 and 3 are more expensive but only give half as much (50%)
      2. not always they give that important resources, fuel can be nice in mid and late game, but do you really need more fuel in your first week?
      And of course do not spam outposts everywhere :)
    • @Kalrakh - I understand, and I (largely) agree.

      If I were to write up some simple, "monkey-see, monkey-do", "cookbook" instructions for brand new players who might not see this post or who might not understand everything you wrote, your recommendations are exactly the types of guidelines I would use to create the simple instructions.

      And ... Once a first draft existed, those guidelines are the sorts of things folks would be welcome to debate when they saw the simple instructions first draft.

      @Opulon - I'll wait to see if anyone offers me the info - I could grab some of it out of some spreadsheets I created, but I probably only recorded about one half to three quarters of what an author would need.

      Maybe using a copy of your challenge-match material would be useful for organizing everything but the actual numbers, and those could be entered during the middle of the writing process.

      I'm willing to wait a day or two to see what happens here.

    • The point for noobs, there are many factors and no set recipe for success.

      Most important: research the game, its units and buildings, and have a plan for beyond day 1.
      Then play; be resilient, learn from mistakes.

      If a noob is unwilling to figure out ahead of time that industry in some province is useless, and they give up after day 5 or game 1, then no guide is going to help them.
    • Hertenjager wrote:

      The point for noobs, there are many factors and no set recipe for success.

      Most important: research the game, its units and buildings, and have a plan for beyond day 1.
      Then play; be resilient, learn from mistakes.

      If a noob is unwilling to figure out ahead of time that industry in some province is useless, and they give up after day 5 or game 1, then no guide is going to help them.
      Exactly "Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the Face".

      I remember between 2nd and 3rd game I laid out this whole Day 1 - 7 plan after researching stuff as despite winning 2nd game I knew I made a ton of mistakes.

      I had a great spreadsheet all laid out playing as Syria on Flashpoint. Plan was a thing of beauty right up till Turkey invaded me 2 hrs later... then Greece came across the med and they tried to double team

      Little Syria is great to defend with close cities; With border Mtns Turkey generally is going to attack in 1 of 2 mtn passes and only one sea port to defend. Turkey sounds good with like 7 cities but they are so spread out and slow terrain; Syria able to concentrate troops much faster. Like Boxing speed and technique can over come unskilled power.

      Whole plan went out the window 2 hrs into game; but I learned a lot fending them off for a few days than took them out.
      "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him "

      aka ...The killer formerly known as BuckeyeChamp
    • WalterChang wrote:

      Drony77 wrote:

      Here's a set of advice that can make you into a rookie
      Sorry, couldn't resist that.
      OK, OK - I am definitely smiling. :D

      When I finish chuckling, I'll remind myself that I think the community's goal for a Day 1 guide would be to avoid transforming rookies :P into drop-outs. :(

      Turning them into experts :thumbup: would be a chore for a person who is way more experienced than I am.
    • Buckeyechamp wrote:

      Hertenjager wrote:

      The point for noobs, there are many factors and no set recipe for success.
      . . .
      . . .
      Plan was a thing of beauty right up till Turkey invaded me 2 hrs later... then Greece came across the med and they tried to double team . .
      My similar experience (I'm sure everyone who has played more than 2 or 3 games has at least one story) was when I was moving my DR Congo troops through jungles and other fun terrain in order to rearrange them for attacking a first-hour-of-playing target our hastily assembled coalition had picked. - And, then Angola came across my border in stacks that I think were the result of him simply emptying his cities and pointing the troops at me.

      So, yes, if I do get around to creating a set of suggested research, unit builds, and building construction instructions (or if I contribute to someone else's work), my contribution will include a (big font) "Poop happens" caveat.

    • I really don't agree with that advice to build infantry in every city on day one. I saw similar advice on youtube.
      It is the worst you can do on day one!
      You'll feel stronger but pure numbers are not enough.

      Good example are scouts. They are hard units (armored type). They can so easily destroy those new infantry you created on day one. They can defend as well. Again they will decimate all your infantry when defending.
      So advice to skip scouts... Not good.
      I would go opposite and advice new players to build only scouts and 1 ASF on day one.
      And to plan what armor or planes they want.

      Not to mention strike fighters or choppers when they come in action. Your infantry are gone.

      Also it is not true anyone should quit if is landlocked.
      What? You can win without a single ship. The whole Eurasia is very big land with lot of cities.

      Actually if you don't have too many casualties in first few days, you really don't need to many new infantry units to build. Just a few when you expand to have enough to defend all cities.

      The best advice to new players would be to find some youtube videos about CON news to learn how to find valuable information there and how to chek neighbors what are they building.
      And don't go into the coalition on day one and don't spend all your resources on day one.
      Scout your neighbors with ASF and if you see stacks on your borders build bunkers.

      Did I mentioned not to build only infantry on day one? 8o
    • I’m not saying I’m right I’m not saying I’m wrong but one of the first solo victories I won was a BG USA with a handful of active players

      I finally expanded into tanks, mechanized inf., afv, and special forces. Kinda reckless not very organized but had powerful stacks. This really helped develop some of my current strats with armor. I personally use helis bc they cheap and effective I experimented with navy and still learning with that even after having played for almost a year now. My PERSONAL ADVICE/OPINIONS is to start in a BG USA typically (not always) other less experienced players and work on creating an extremely effective ground force if other states/ countries have air you will try en need to react and reevaluate. I feel like this really helped me get my feet wet with somewhat understanding and strategy. This is my personal opinion and I am in no way shape or from trying to tell you this is the best or only way j some advice
    • Zemunelo wrote:

      I really don't agree with that advice to build infantry in every city on day one. I saw similar advice on youtube.
      It is the worst you can do on day one!
      You'll feel stronger but pure numbers are not enough.

      Good example are scouts. They are hard units (armored type). They can so easily destroy those new infantry you created on day one. They can defend as well. Again they will decimate all your infantry when defending.
      So advice to skip scouts... Not good.
      I would go opposite and advice new players to build only scouts and 1 ASF on day one.
      And to plan what armor or planes they want.

      Not to mention strike fighters or choppers when they come in action. Your infantry are gone.

      Also it is not true anyone should quit if is landlocked.
      What? You can win without a single ship. The whole Eurasia is very big land with lot of cities.

      Actually if you don't have too many casualties in first few days, you really don't need to many new infantry units to build. Just a few when you expand to have enough to defend all cities.

      The best advice to new players would be to find some youtube videos about CON news to learn how to find valuable information there and how to chek neighbors what are they building.
      And don't go into the coalition on day one and don't spend all your resources on day one.
      Scout your neighbors with ASF and if you see stacks on your borders build bunkers.

      Did I mentioned not to build only infantry on day one? 8o
      Scout cars…Nah. Honestly no, they suck at fighting enemy Armoured and would rather get TDs to tide over. Sure they will be extremely deadly but thats also a reason why you gotta use those resource that the enemy wasted of CRVs on stuff that are better, like SF, GHs, T arty,ASF and so on.

      Inf (Mot inf/ Mech/ NGs) is a must to generally keep producing them, because when expanding you’re gonna begin fighting on more than one front and that really will become a huge issue if you can’t get good no. If boots on ground that can competently hold their ground without air support for a while.

    • Zozo001 wrote:

      CinnamonStick wrote:

      This really helped develop some of my current strats with armor.
      When you find strong opponents (unlikely on BGUSA, alas) you'll learn that armoreds work very poorly.
      I completely agree that armor is weak in many instances but nearly every troop in this game can be used effectively (if you are smart about it) some are def better than others but me personally I like 1-2 armored ground stacks with a few mechs and generally 3 tanks 3 afvs 4 mechs but sometimes only 1 mech j depends I also use recon on rare occasions but then I reinforce my ground troops with arty and air support and I use asf and Sam to protect air support I use theatre defense for anti missle on valuable armoires stacks and I use ships for bombarding + protecting coast + escorting troop transports / aircraft carriers. Not saying perfect strat but works well enough for me

      I would tend to agree BGUSA is not very hard but u still feel special when it’s ur first win lol
    • KFGauss wrote:

      CinnamonStick wrote:

      I have developed a lot of my strategy off of my ground troops I understand that SF can be a good strat j not my personal favorite
      If your goal is winning, and especially if it's winning quickly, putting ground troops at the forefront of your armies is a poor choice.
      this may not be your preferred strategy and I respect that. I explained how my strat basically works above. I have had good experiences with high hp high firepower ground stacks against powerful opponents not too many wins but a handful I do agree with other peoples comment about air force I feel more comfortable with asf protecting my ground troops