Superfast evening maps x10 or ultrafast weekend maps x16/x32

    • Superfast evening maps x10 or ultrafast weekend maps x16/x32

      In 2018 playing Call of War I was proposing faster games, when there where only x1 there.

      I was sure a lot of players will love faster ones and some will mostly just play them, as x1 for some are too slow and too boring.

      My idea however was to much faster ones also.

      Now in 2021 both there and here x4 are available, popular and chosed often by many players.

      Back then among arguments against them was taking too much capacity of servers, problem with monetize such maps and that other games are for more real-time strategies, not that web based one.

      Time showed that I was right back then and I suppose I will be here as well in what I propose, however I dont await that it would be realized anytime soon as such ideas need time to get accepted and even more for being realized.

      However I would propose to introduce even faster maps like x10, but as it's a new thing, new challenges might be needed to solve same time, I list them below.


      1. Such a fast game should not be for total newbies as there's much less time to learn the game. I would propose that players minimum 10 level could join.

      2. There might be question if Dorado would monetize enough on them, cause if the game is so fast, maybe players would quit fastly.

      To address this problem, there could be limit of joining 1 such map per two weeks for free and next ones would be paid in gold to join, for example 5.000 gold second one, 10.000 gold third one and each next one.

      3. As its that fast, people might not want to join late, so it could be starting when its full or when it's at least half full.

      4. Working and sleeping in real life would be too long time on the maps so that's why I propose it as evening games. They could start all the time as people play from different timezones of course, but the main idea would be that You could play it 6 hours a day, for example from 6 pm to midnight each evening for 16 days.

      That gives 40 in-game days: 6 hours x 10 (speed of time) x 16 days = 960 and that is same as 24 hours x 40 days.

      So just like in apocalypse map, there is limit of 40 days, it would be here the same. After this time players are choosed according to the final stats.

      5. Limited evening maps x10 to join, or join for gold should limit early-quitters who make map more-AI like, so that would be an advantage in a way, as well as a bit higher limit to join them.

      The biggest advantage of it, would be to make it much easier (for some people) to play CoN, when they cannot be online so often, cause of work/study/whatever.

      Some people cause of this cannot play x4, cause they have limited time during the day to play. Such games, would be started let say at this 6 pm and get paused at midnight, leaving the rest of the day free from need to log in and check the game. That is advantage for many. Of course some people prefer slower ones and will still play them, but for Dorado the advantage would be to pull in to CoN different kind of players, new ones, or get involved more, some who already play it and like fast pace, like adrenaline, like when a lot of things happen and game take them in totally for few hours and then release.

      For some it would be easier for game-life balance. I would definitely try it :)

      4x became a hit, why not try a bit faster, 10x?

      New problems which might occur seem already quite easy to be addressed.


      I will post it too, as it's similar idea, however it's a bit more crazy and I'm not really sure if it's good idea - but my original idea would be super fast and super intense weekend games, able to start and finish during one weekend, when having enough of normal time to sleep at night.

      But what is so crazy about it, as there's not much time during weekend, it should be around 32x speed, if we want to play full 40 in-game days.

      6 hours on Friday evening, 12 hours on Saturday and 12 hours on Sunday, that gives 30 real-life hours of playing.

      And as 40 days makes 960 hours, so 960/30=32. Speed would need to be x32... or maybe some smaller maps, like Europe, which do not need 40 days for game to be finished and then speed could go down, lets say twice to x16 and we would have 20 in-game days to be played on Flashpoint type map during intensive weekend.

      Again same ideas I would propose to implement as over, so limit of maps to join and paying for more, limit of level 10+ players to join.


      So idea is to get CoN to be much better rival for RTS games, making CoN such for weekends or evenings. That could bring loads of new players into community and be a real big chance for Dorado business, I believe.

      8o Evening x10 games, for 6 hours a day, with limit of 16 days or no limit
      :D Weekend x16 games for smaller Europe maps
      :evil: Weekend crazy x32 games for big world maps

      If You need tester for such, I would be glad to join tests and see how it works ;) :thumbup:

      Who else would like such games or join the tests of such maps?

      PS. I guess x32 would be only playable for guys who really well know the game and dont need to figure out things, but know exactly how it all works and what and when to click. Super intensive, putting adrenaline and emotions high, addicting maybe even with hormone flood, possibly really good fun same time.

      PS2. adding paid-to-join maps, could work well with such a new service as much faster maps and could be good reason same time to test no-gold-inside solution. Dorado would earn from players joining maps, not from their usage of gold on the map.

      PS3. Higher level of players to join also works against those who wish to go around the limit of maps to join for free, as its not that easy just to make a new account and join, getting higher level would be needed.

      Same time this higher level would put quality of opponents higher on the map, so another advantage to many experienced players.

      PS4. With weekend maps it might be good to introduce like 4 in-game days of peace, like it is sometimes in alliance game, so the guys would not be so super fastly conquered.

      PS5. I would propose to try the x10 first and if it gets liked and popularize, after some time introduce the weekend ones to test them.
    • CoN is not rts it is a grand strategy game. It is supposed to be played slowly to plan your strategy. It can't be click fest. It can't be "only evening" because we live in different parts of the world. So if it is "only evening" event third of players can't play. Even if you're from US and I suspect you are (people there think nothing outside US exist) you can't play with all others from US. Again time difference.
      10x would be too fast to be playable. You can't even go to toilet.

      You want 6h on friday must be exact 6h that suits you best. And all other players in game. What?

      I don't even want to talk about monetization. I am sure time is great factor if we are talking about monetization.

      Actually the only purpose of 10x I can see is to put inside all brand new mobile "userxxx" players to check the game. A kind of tutorial map 10x speed. Not accessible for any other player who already played the game.
      That would be great.

      Give them 10x tutorial map please 8o .
    • Zemunelo wrote:

      CoN is not rts it is a grand strategy game. It is supposed to be played slowly to plan your strategy. It can't be click fest.

      CoN is very different in x1 and x4 forms and for sure it would be different in x10 or more form.

      In that way, by having more or less very similar code, Dorado could make another business branch, get new segment of the players market and make more money probably.

      Having such developed game with all costs put in before, making more or less copy+paste to add next speed, with some adjustments but relatively small, comparing to developing the whole game, they can get new and quite different product to offer to players.

      From business point of view it seems to make sense.

      And if You like to play CoN in slow or medium pace, it's fine. I'm sure there are players who would wish to try the faster one. Already one, Dylan, said it above, me too.

      So actually your the argument that CoN is something, slow grand strategy game, dont have to be valid for other players, for whom it may be sometimes also faster game, for the rush of adrenaline and fast action :)

      Zemunelo wrote:

      It can't be "only evening" because we live in different parts of the world. So if it is "only evening" event third of players can't play.

      The idea is to make it few hours a day, but faster, some people might like to play it after work from home. Others who do already play from work, might like to play it from work for few hours, than end working go home and dont feel need to check the map, have mind free of it, till next day.

      And yes, probably in bigger number, players would play from similar timezones, but as evening in US, Europe or Asia is in different times, such maps could start and get full during the whole day probably :) it's not a problem, I dont see any here. In lots of games people from similar timezones usually play with each other.

      Zemunelo wrote:

      A kind of tutorial map 10x speed. Not accessible for any other player who already played the game.
      That would be great.

      Give them 10x tutorial map please 8o .

      Yeah tutorial map, unranked one, with big speed, seems to be good side idea. Accesible for one player with bots only. Dorado might be afraid that some players would only play those without need to use gold, so those could be limited in some way, like one per player per lifetime or one a year or something like this.
    • Did you really said we can all play the same map in the evening in America, Asia and Europe? Everyone in their "evening" time after work and before we go to sleep?
      And then we pause the game till the next evening? Everywhere in the evening but in different evening? And with pause for the night time... everywhere... when will the game run and pause? ?(

      Do you even understand time zones?
      Or you just think about yourself and others who cares, they can play 10x in the middle of the night or day.

      It is time for you to check what are time zones ;)
    • If setting up games that are only active for certain parts of the day is what this boils down to, Yes, that thought has been injected into other threads.

      I assume that if Dorado decided to do it (again?) they wouldn't try to police who joins any given game, and instead they would let customers choose on their own a game that aligned best with their own personal schedule.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by KFGauss ().

    • Seroslav wrote:

      Zemunelo wrote:

      CoN is not rts it is a grand strategy game. It is supposed to be played slowly to plan your strategy. It can't be click fest.
      CoN is very different in x1 and x4 forms and for sure it would be different in x10 or more form.

      In that way, by having more or less very similar code, Dorado could make another business branch, get new segment of the players market and make more money probably.

      Having such developed game with all costs put in before, making more or less copy+paste to add next speed, with some adjustments but relatively small, comparing to developing the whole game, they can get new and quite different product to offer to players.

      From business point of view it seems to make sense.

      And if You like to play CoN in slow or medium pace, it's fine. I'm sure there are players who would wish to try the faster one. Already one, Dylan, said it above, me too.

      So actually your the argument that CoN is something, slow grand strategy game, dont have to be valid for other players, for whom it may be sometimes also faster game, for the rush of adrenaline and fast action :)

      Zemunelo wrote:

      It can't be "only evening" because we live in different parts of the world. So if it is "only evening" event third of players can't play.
      The idea is to make it few hours a day, but faster, some people might like to play it after work from home. Others who do already play from work, might like to play it from work for few hours, than end working go home and dont feel need to check the map, have mind free of it, till next day.

      And yes, probably in bigger number, players would play from similar timezones, but as evening in US, Europe or Asia is in different times, such maps could start and get full during the whole day probably :) it's not a problem, I dont see any here. In lots of games people from similar timezones usually play with each other.

      Zemunelo wrote:

      A kind of tutorial map 10x speed. Not accessible for any other player who already played the game.
      That would be great.

      Give them 10x tutorial map please 8o .
      Yeah tutorial map, unranked one, with big speed, seems to be good side idea. Accesible for one player with bots only. Dorado might be afraid that some players would only play those without need to use gold, so those could be limited in some way, like one per player per lifetime or one a year or something like this.
      what are you even doing with your life? ))
    • I think, time zone game would be great.
      I'm sure a lot players give up, because they don't have enough time.
      I think a player who give up, will not become premium.
      I have time now, so I'm premium, when I will have less time, I will stop playing, even if I find the game is very good.
      All the more, I find, most part of the time, the game is borrowing on account of players who give up.
      It would be interesting, to ask all players what they want. I don't think people will pay because, they have no choice, but because they are intereted by what is offered.
      I think it would be interesting, to ask, all palyers what they wish, what they are ready to pay, whith 2 or 3 Yes No questions. When they start the game, and several days later, before they say good bye, this game game is not for me.
      There are also players who have time during the week-end and others for whom it's the opposite.

      I find this game is wonderfull, but also awfull, because, if you want to win, you must play non stop, and win such a way is not so wonderfull. And I don't think a lot players want this. Already for young chinese, it's now impossible.
    • Buckeyechamp wrote:

      Time zone with some "pause windows" like 11pm - 7am would be good.
      Doubt it's gonna happen because it'd be essentially segregating the playerbase; we don't even have language specific games beyond flashpoint/BGUSA.

      Buckeyechamp wrote:

      But a 10 x game would be ridicoulous. you would have to sit glued to screen at all times to be successful.
      Thats not even the issue; IMO the game is really just not made for being played at a much faster pace.
      I am The Baseline for opinions
    • teburu .. already is in game separate by language by server may be your alzheimer is wery grow but on start it have been map by time zone but that map be almost without real player i remeber that be normal play 64 and have 15 player

      and yes game with this code and graphic be realy glitched by what you see on map and where is in reality

      but mostly he think have game that you start in one day and that day you finihed like play 8 hours with some break and have win .. but speed up game over 4 without game paused on have some sleep time is totaly unfair (just only speed map have some potencial to have premium account becose realy depence if you go sleep in work and unit recruit and build start build without asistence ..)

      but secondary if you hgave max hospital with plus 6 hp per day and have 20 striker and used just half in rotation understant how is be clear force ... that after be realy stop be game strategic just depence who be online and if you not go piss when somebofdy start strike by his fleet ..
    • Rickior wrote:

      Thx for the information, I didn't know, there had been, map by time zone.
      I regret it didn't work. According to the numbers of game who are plaid, I'm surprised, it 's so difficult. All the more, I'm sure, more players could be interested. But it would be better, to give for players to apply, before the game start.
      *** The Creator of Zombie Farming ***
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