NPC Nations should build & conquer

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    • NPC Nations should build & conquer

      I’d like to see an update to the NPC’s AI, and to give them access to the Tech tree and ability to build. If the Rogue state can build and advance and take over a good portion of the map, I think it would be great to see NPC’s doing the same. So you have to consider them and not just leave them cause they’ll also be building up a little army to take over their neighbours.
    • Pretty sure they share more or less the same AI; the rogue state only manages to take over large parts of a map because they can appear in any low morale city. Also they don't build stuff so that's kinda a non-argument. But frankly rogue state being able to take over sizeable portions of the map reflects more on how bad and/or inactive the players in the round are than their AI being better in any regard.
      On top of that CON is intended as PvP, buffing AI kinda does the opposite. If you want a game that has a decent AI than you're looking for something like Hearts of Iron.
      I am The Baseline for opinions