EDIT: Ships don't show to Radar Scans

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    • EDIT: Ships don't show to Radar Scans

      Has anyone else noticed bugs with ships lately?

      I just had an NPA that showed nothing on it's sonar scans but all of a sudden an enemy transport (1 infantry + 1 tank) appeared in it's field of view (meaning right under it so I could see the actual ship, not a sonar pin). Normally transport ships show up as a sonar ping in my experience. So, I moved my plane slightly (to trigger a patrol attack) and the ship disappeared (it was only in visual range with the extended patrol radius). Upon completing the tiny move, the plane engaged the transport... at all times, when I did not have visuals on the ship, it was not showing up on sonar...

      In the same game, I had a cruiser I was chasing disappear from sonar - later to appear right at my homeland cities (which were guarded, so not a huge loss). In this case the cruiser had to get past a choke point where I had submarine attack radius covering the position so I'm not sure how it got past that without getting sunk (half dead cruiser and 4 stack of level 4 submarines at the choke point so it would've been a 1-shot)

      Game ID: 6,407,619

      Weird stuff... anyone else experience this?