Problem with hard to see 'blue patrol circle' before placing it on the map

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    • Problem with hard to see 'blue patrol circle' before placing it on the map

      I had it many many times and it does not change over years.

      When we try to send a plane on a patrol, there is a blue circle, which is visible enough when we have perfect conditions in a room, but when there is quite bright, it is very hard to see on a screen :thumbdown:

      Trying to prefectly fit the patrol circle is almost mission impossible sometimes.

      What needs changing is the colour of this circle. After clicking patrol it's dark enough to see, but before clicking and trying to place it on the map, it's very often not seen enough, at least for me.

      Red circles, of opponents are somehow always seen good enough, so maybe the problem is that it's blue and not a green for example, or yellow, or whatever. Or its too transparent, should be less transparent.

      +1/like the suggestion if you had the same problem in the past :thumbsup: