Improving suburbs

    • Improving suburbs

      As some of you might know, I posted a thread several months ago about having suburbs in place. It might be a bit late to say this (and I haven't visited the forums for a while before today), but I'm very pleased the changes have been made. However, I put forth a few more suggestions to improve them (more to what I want them to be like, I guess).

      1. Make them more widespread. Currently most countries have 1 city with suburbs, with some having none or two. I have not checked too much, but I have not seen any with 3. I think the game will improve (and RPers would have more narratives to work with) if there were more widespread suburbs and more for bigger cities. I will further elaborate on that on my next point.

      2. Suburbs more dependent on city population in real life. Currently Tokyo doesn't have any suburbs, neither does Jakarta. Guangzhou and Shenzhen do not even exist as cities in game. All are in the 10 most populous cities, by metro area. Of course, I'm not saying China should have 50 cities with a million suburbs each. No more cities and just...maybe slightly more (5 or 6) suburbs. I suggest maybe the 4 or 5 of the most populous cities per country should have suburbs, and the more absolute population, the more suburbs.

      3. Suburbs accounting for a small part of resource population. Currently all the production occurs in the core. I think 5-10% should be in each suburb.

      4. Suburb population increase. Suburbs have a population of 1 currently. I think suburbs should be able to go up to 1.5 or 2, because they still do have more population than rural areas. Especially big cities, whose suburbs can have a million or more people.
    • Germanico wrote:

      Strangely I sense that this was posted using the sarcastic font..

      Jacopo: Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

      Remember that no one ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb idiot die for his country.