CoN Artistry

    • CoN Artistry

      As a general discussion thread I'd like to express what is good about this game system. I especially like the modern warfare approach of battalion/flight/ship level tactics. I'm playing a 4x world map at day 21 launching an invasion on a buffed up UK AI and the surgery needed to conduct the invasion is awesome. I love the player versus player interaction as well as opponents with human reasoning. That is definitely a market corner dominance of this grand strategy engine. I like how the unit models aren't cartoonish like in other supremacy games and online games in general. The addition of WMDs and current terrorist elements is very bold for a modern war game compared to any other game system. It shows that the silly little web applet of S14 has really matured into what could be a grognard's dream.

      May edit in more good current game design elements later.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by mccarty.geoff ().

    • Yeah well and I'm not kidding you; you've got a product worth easily over a million dollars in investment here. It is up to the suits how they can strategize that properly but, I wish you the best of luck. I'd say it is like Command: Modern Air and Naval Operations (lite) with ground force representation and actual intelligent human opponents instead of the damnable AI. Supremacy has always had this potential. I see the system as bareboned and imbalanced currently but, the recent changelog is positive whereas NWE did not actually improve whatsoever in design. I should probably have prefaced these remarks that they are my personal opinion and I'm hardly experienced enough in this variant to be taken seriously as a feedback subject. The only feedback/advice I can honestly give is generally; you gotta be your own men and not allow anyone else to control your intellectual rights and property. Not the members, not the boardroom, or the stock exchange. It's a product worth far more than what short sightedness may corrupt. Stillfront is experiencing growth with limitless resources and you're in their vanguard.

      Literally not trying to be a kiss arse. Made this thread for polarity sake with my criticism/suggestion thread. I do appreciate the security council membership. Don't want to be a freeloader but, it offers me a chance to playtest with all features. Thanks alot. Barring some disaster I will be ordering a year membership next month when my poor arse can budget it in.

      The post was edited 8 times, last by mccarty.geoff ().