Effects of CoN Mobile to the future of the game

    • Effects of CoN Mobile to the future of the game

      So the Mobile version of the game has recently been introduced to the game which has opened the game to a whole new market of people. This can and most likely will change the game both in positive and negative ways. Lets assume the mobile version will take off.

      Some positives:

      - We can now play anywhere

      - There will be more players

      - Extra $$ for the devs means the game can advance/less bugs etc

      - The new players will still be noobz (for now)

      - Eventually there will be a huge pool of challenging players (If you enjoy a challenge)

      - More alliances

      - P.C/Mobile Compatible

      Some negatives:

      - The devs will have to split time between both P.C and Mobile version

      - Mobile games can become very P2W competitive (Nothing compared to what I've seen so far on CoN)

      - Mobile game is compatible with P.C (Fighting against P2W players)


      All in all, if the game does become P2W we can still treat it all as an advantage.

      How can P2W be in the favor of the original P.C players?

      1. We treat it as a challenge and be great full they are spilling money into the game, improving it for us.

      2. We enjoy the convenience of Mobile CoN.

      3. If it starts becoming way too P2W we will have to adapt and join games in groups of 5 etc

      Feel free to discuss/add Pros/Cons

      P.S I am yet to download the app, how many downloads has it had so far?
    • There's no negative for mobile. Not a single one. This game requires very high online presence and mobile app can give you that.
      There will not be more PtW or less because of mobile.
      But for dev studio there is a lot more options with mobile app. Especially regarding advertising. They can even add watching ads videos for a reward (1 gold per video?).
    • In my view the mob app has killed the game, an army of new players every game and almost all drop out within a few days, last 3 games have been utterly tedious playing mostly ai, i hate the elite units as well, totally unrealistic, they turn a good wargame into a crap unrealistic arcade game.. tbh there needs to be something done about player drop outs, frankly im done with it after a year of playing.. yes mob gets you new players but theres no good in that if they dont play past the first few days, standard of play has been utterly shocking last 3 games.
    • colinlevinge wrote:

      In my view the mob app has killed the game, an army of new players every game and almost all drop out within a few days, last 3 games have been utterly tedious playing mostly ai, i hate the elite units as well, totally unrealistic, they turn a good wargame into a crap unrealistic arcade game.. tbh there needs to be something done about player drop outs, frankly im done with it after a year of playing.. yes mob gets you new players but theres no good in that if they dont play past the first few days, standard of play has been utterly shocking last 3 games.
      get off my lawn.jpg
      *** The Creator of Zombie Farming ***
      The KING of CoN News!!!
      The "Get off my lawn!" cranky CoN Forums Poster - not affiliated with Dorado in any way

      "Death comes to us all. Shall I deal you in?" - DoD
    • proof of the pudding is in the eating, 6 months ago this was a great game with small number of drop outs, now its a total bore our coalition just captured bolivia, chile, argentina, canada, usa venezuela and mexico, none of which had an active player.. yawn, be as well making it 1 player vs ai map, same as the old civilisation pc game.. as for the rest elite units shd be replaced with a more in depth unit breakdown.. tbh theres not 1 elite unit thats worth the res anyway, i have tried them but for the tech and build costs u can build 2 or even 3 similar units that will easily take out the elite point for point
    • colinlevinge wrote:

      In my view the mob app has killed the game, an army of new players every game and almost all drop out within a few days, last 3 games have been utterly tedious playing mostly ai, i hate the elite units as well, totally unrealistic, they turn a good wargame into a crap unrealistic arcade game.. tbh there needs to be something done about player drop outs, frankly im done with it after a year of playing.. yes mob gets you new players but theres no good in that if they dont play past the first few days, standard of play has been utterly shocking last 3 games.
      It is a deeper problem than mobile app. Mostly bad almost non existent tutorial and no tutorial map (against ai only with speed button) separated from public.
      Also not enough information like what is x1 and what x4 speed and why it is important and how can affect your game. No real explanation about gold just this is magic button, click it.
      New players come to the game with an impression of playing real time strategy game. Than they realise have to wait 2h for their units to arrive to the target and mostly quit that moment.
      I don't see a problem with the mobile app here.
    • Zemunelo wrote:

      It is a deeper problem than mobile app. Mostly bad almost non existent tutorial and no tutorial map (against ai only with speed button) separated from public.Also not enough information like what is x1 and what x4 speed and why it is important and how can affect your game. No real explanation about gold just this is magic button, click it.
      New players come to the game with an impression of playing real time strategy game. Than they realise have to wait 2h for their units to arrive to the target and mostly quit that moment.
      I don't see a problem with the mobile app here.

      I agree, the new players need to be split from the longer term players until they get used to the game, sort out the wheat from the chaff, i think a training against ai is a good idea, also i think a simple choice, play the open game where gold is allowed as normal, with a 2nd tier where you pay say £2 per game.. i am pretty sure if there is a small fee thatll keep the new players out and allow the longer term players to play the 2nd tier, even although the charge is small it will seriously reduce drop outs, alternatively, the 2nd tier could be sec council members only, having the same effect
    • and elite, fgs, its nonsense, if the tech tree was expanded to include a further breakdown of units and capabilities, where realism was concentrated on, it would be vastly superior to novelty tricks, which frankly aint worth the res compared to normal units pt for pt, same for comms, useless pt for pt against normal units, altho im less hostile to comms, elite tho.. lol tbh if they want to have elite they should study cutting edge military tech for ideas not invent shiny arcade units.. for example, where the sattelites for recon and missile launch, wheres the hypersonic missiles, wheres the early warning radar stations, theres loads of options for "elite" that dont involve putting an aaa battery on a mobile artillery or a sub that cant go into deep water
    • @colinlevinge Actually all our seasonal units are either experimental or even actively fielded. Of course this doesn't mean they will ever be mainstay combat units in real life, but who knows. This said your ideas about missiles and radar etc are of course gladly taken up.

      Generally the benefit of expanding into mobile comes with several strong advantages:

      1) players can play when and wherever they are (this was often requested)
      2) the game being a niche military game will now be available to many more players around the world meaning there will be more players and more income - for an MMO/strategy online game that equates to lifeblood and longevity. And that clearly is in the interest of all active players.

      If anyone is annoyed about quitters, just ignore the tutorial maps and join an alliance playing against other top notch strategists.
      "Going to war without France is like going hunting without an accordion." Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf
    • I don't understand what all this hate is on the game? If you don't like people dropping out, then like Germanico said join an alliance that plays people who are good and enjoy the game. And part of the new players being put in with older players is so that the new players are like "well if I want to keep up I'll have to buy gold" and then the devs make $$. But the game hasn't been overrun with golders, and it doesn't ruin the game, sure you run into a golder who destroys you, ok, start a new game. I'm thinking about getting Security Counsel because I think it gives a nice boost without screwing up the game for everyone else. I think it's a great game, and if you don't like it, then stop playing.
      - "Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen."
    • We always route new players to the Flashpoint map - which is also a popular map, mind you. So it's not that this is a "tutorial" or such, and we have many experienced players who like said map even after months of playing the game.
      It also comes with the benefit of being local language: so eg Spanish players will be automatically only paired with other spanish speakers (unless someone from outside that language joins deliberately by re-setting his game language).
      "Going to war without France is like going hunting without an accordion." Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf
    • Bold of you people to assume you will be able to hit&run as well on a mobile app.

      I tried, i probably looked like an annoyed heroin-injected monkey :D

      Same will apply for the "pure mobile" user base.

      About how the mobile app killed the game, i would like to remind that the game was already reported dead a number of times those 2 last years when :

      - They buffed helicopters
      - They nerfed helicopters
      - They nerfed Tanks
      - They buffed tanks
      - They buffed artilleries
      - They nerfed artilleries
      - They made marketing campaigns in europe
      - They made the big maps international
      - They raised the price of some gold options
      - They deleted the ability to create a custom game
      - They made events maps
      - They made X4 maps
      - They made X10 maps
      - They nerfed the airborn infantry
      - They buffed the special force
      - They overhauled the anti-air system
      - They overhauled the missile system
      - They repurposed the frigate
      - They overhauled Radar
      - They buffed drones
      - They overhauled airlifting
      - They disabled attrition in hard terrains
      - They added coalitions
      - They added mortars on motorised infantry
      - They added officers
      - They changed the effects of the arms industry
      - They changed the cost of annexation
      - They created the Liberation feature
      - They patched the AI behaviour

      Sadly, the only way to make concur those doomsday prophecies with the reality, is to right click on the player-activity and number charts graph, and do a 180° vertical mirror.

      PS : you think i'm joking with this list i was too bored to complete ? Please, just check the news on this very forum by yourself to see that this game supposedly dies more times a year than our planet if it was plagued by 30 maya empires and 200 Nostradamus.
      Running an online alliance is pretty much like running a small company, except you need to find other way than money to keep your employees productive. May they play or work, they are humans.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Opulon ().