Ideas for CON staff!

    • Ideas for CON staff!

      I have been playing CON for a while now and I have thought of some pretty cool ideas.
      I know CON staff are working hard, but here are just some suggestions I have.
      Island Country map. Only island countries/territories like Greenland/Iceland/Uk/oceanic countries/Caribbean states/Cuba/ etc. All continents would have 'sunken' or something. This would be a great way to have people practice using naval troops more.
      Sandbox mode! I'm sure this has been suggested before, but you could experiment with powerful troop stacks and practice naval and air assaults for different countries.
      Private Games! This would be a great way to host events and private games for discord and alliance groups. This would help both beginning and advanced players learn, and give practice to all players.
      Now this is definitely not going to happen, but a way to buy a season pass with gold. This would be a great way for broke people(like me) to be able to get the season pass and claim troops. Even if it was a extremely high number, like 25k-50k gold, it would be something to actually spend gold on and save towards. Even if it was for 1 day, you would be able to claim your favorite season troops and use them forever.

      Thats it for now, I'm sure I'll think of more later!
      New ideas!
      1. New unit!
      There would be a new unit: the transport unit! This unit would have limited attack and defence, but would move quickly and give movement buffs to any unit in its stack. A mobilization time similar to mobilized infantry would guarantee national guard would continue to be useful. They would be able to capture land but would be balanced with their low defensive stats.
      2. New team-based game mode!
      Most CON games are solo or small group based, but this would be a new game mode where everyone in the lobby would have to work together to succeed. Maybe aliens or mythological creatures rise up and it takes the strength of the world to defend against it. You could declare war on smaller AI controlled countries but not player based ones. VP would be given out to players who dealt the most damage, and it would be awesome seeing players of different skill sets cooperating.
      3. More continent based maps
      The new USA based map has been really enjoyable so far, with many different states to choose from, including Canada and Latin America. Blood and oil has been awesome as well. A European map, African, or Oceanic map would all be great ideas, each giving different advantages to different units.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Potatyo ().

    • 1. Ever tried Rising Tides? (Wait did they release that on mobile? They ought to)
      2. That’s called Flashpoint
      3. You tubers who are sponsored by CON sometimes have them. I think if you ask a game mod, and you have enough players, they’ll create a game for you. Otherwise, you can just join a normal map. Or if you join an alliance, some of them do play alliance games
      Currently on (potentially permanent) hiatus

      Instead of choosing wings to fly, we chose hands to hold with each other.

      Yet the sky still fascinates us, is it such a crime to keep on dreaming?
    • 737373elj wrote:

      1. Ever tried Rising Tides? (Wait did they release that on mobile? They ought to)
      2. That’s called Flashpoint
      I mean like there is only island countries, no large continents. Maybe a custom map, but then it would be more naval based. In rising tides there is still some landlocked countries and you don't have to go naval to prevail, you could still do air and ground. And when I mean sandbox, I mean infinite resources and custom speeds, so you could set the game to 1x, 2x 4x, 10x 100x ect. That way you could experiment with different stacks and strategies. Sorry for not explaining in more depth.
    • Considering that CON is a multiplayer game, and that demand for these types of games are low, I don’t think that a sandbox-type of game would be coming anytime soon, unless they release a downloadable and modable single-player game (which will almost certainly require payment to access).
      As for island games, I don’t know how a gamemode like that would work. If you say Rising Tides doesn’t require navy to win then I don’t know what to say
      Currently on (potentially permanent) hiatus

      Instead of choosing wings to fly, we chose hands to hold with each other.

      Yet the sky still fascinates us, is it such a crime to keep on dreaming?
    • Sandbox? No, seriously. Go to flashpoint. Go to one on like day 3-5. Press a country still alive. Then pretty much the whole map is AI.
      "Le patriotisme, c'est aimer son pays. Le nationalisme, c'est détester celui des autres."-Charles De Gaulle, Leader of Free France in World War 2.
      English: "Patriotism is to love your country. Nationalism is hating that of others."