Dracula Sergeant

  • Member since Mar 6th 2019
Last Activity
  • TheShinwacker -

    What is you ingame name?

  • Big bad Wolf -

    I meant to say hey Dracula and not a directly you

  • Big bad Wolf -

    A directly you were the ones asking me for my username I apologize I'm just learning this discord and I'm definitely confused on it so forgive me

  • Big bad Wolf -

    Hey how do I play against you or somebody that's really good I'm so much better than everybody I play against every single time it's ruining the game for me I need to find somebody that's good I'm begging for an ass whooping

  • rspen446 -

    MBT to protect Cities and Artilelry, I use Tank destroyers, they have much better Defense bonuses in Cities than Tanks and can last longer when attacked, why use tanks for that?

  • Rozne Eltobliv -

    ."Maybe you don't like this guy due to his comments against you in your game imagery post."
    I think that too. We can't do much about it just sit and see what happens

  • Brooklyn Babe -

    Thanks for the support (the like) on my post. It's little old me against all the men!