KFGauss Private

  • Member since Nov 9th 2020
Last Activity
  • FarmerJG -

    You must be at least 50.

  • Mother Hen -

    Don’t be such a kill-joy

  • Mother Hen -


  • Iron3 -

    Hey KFGauss am a big fan of your strategies
    because of you am now a specialist

    • KFGauss -

      I'm glad you're having fun.
      Don't forget that I always try to remember to point out that the way I play in public games works because I'm able to login many times per day and micromanage my (air) units against frequently-weak opponents.
      If you meet someone who isn't a weak opponent, be ready to quickly adapt what you are doing.
      Best of luck to you in the future.

  • Iron3 -

    Hey KFGauss am a big fan of your strategies because of you my rank is specialist
    thank you

  • Iron3 -

    Hey KFGauss am a big fan of your strategies because of you my rank is specialist
    thank you

  • My Good Side -

    If your dementia isnt healed... maybe you wont be able to read this.

    Your narcissist! You would never take any postive feed back or any constractive critizism of your actions.

  • floppityflip -

    @KFGauss, sure I would like to join you in game to get season points. Tell me what game and time.

    • KFGauss -

      Those games fill up quickly - Coordinating through Discord is one of the better ways to for more multiple people to try to get into a single game - Do you have a "CoN" Discord account (Do you want to create one)?

    • floppityflip -

      Eh, I can just use my current account. My username on CoN is floppityflip. DM me there and I will give you my discord.

  • KFGauss -

    OH ON, OH NO, OH NO!!!!! My rank has been reset to "Rank 1 Recruit" - I need to create 9 or 10 threads about the horror of it all.

  • Xavier -

    Why is everyone being mean to you?

  • yususyusus -

    Fuck you two

  • Cheney.D. -

    Excuse me, did I meet a cheating player? Why do other countries have more time in the same game than I do? I only had 22 days of play, but it had 24 days of unlockable gear.

    • KFGauss -

      0) If I understand your question correctly, I am totally unfamiliar with the unlockable gear - I don't use it.
      1) Ask [email protected] to investigate any allegations of cheating.
      2) Maybe the player used gold to speed up some process that created the unlockable gear?
      3) Do Doctrine differences have an effect that might have caused what you saw?

  • lsygo lsghie -

    hi, i accidently deleted my account, how can i reset it

  • KFGauss -

    Playable Countries Spreadsheet

  • KFGauss -

    In the meta-topic discussion that Playbabe raises . . . In my opinion, all over the Internet, some folks confuse laziness, rudeness, and/or being proud of triggering silly chit-chat, with "engagement".

    In the semi-recent Internet era, engagement has taken on a connotation of - Anything that lets me or someone else trying to profit off of site-users by putting an ad in front of a set of eyeballs, no matter how otherwise useless that user's activity might be.

    This leads to inane "engagement-promotion" arguments such as claiming that reading and possibly adding something to an existing discussion is somehow worse than repeating that discussion, including all of that original discussion's bad logic, opinions masquerading as facts, self-proclaimed (but hopelessly wrong) experts, side trips into off-topic foolishness, and other dead ends, before reaching the exact same (hopefully) correct conclusion that was reached before.

    • KFGauss -

      I'm not a blog owner (or other sort of web site producer) who wants to earn ad revenue, so I'm not going to advocate that everything lazily splattered on the forum screens is "engagement" or is in some other way useful.

      Instead, I'm going to be fully-engaged as I quickly search through and learn from what has been written before (instead of wanting other people to do it for me), and I'm going to be fully engaged in adding to (not repeating) what's been written before, when I have something useful to add.

      I'll assert that people who spend 30 seconds to discover an answer for themselves are MORE engaged in playing CoN, not less than people who blast out new threads because a question pops into their heads, or because they are bored, or because they want to increase their forum "rank".

    • KFGauss -

      Unit Atk value falls linearly from 100% to 25% as unit HP falls from 100% to 0% - Playbabe - forum.conflictnations.com/inde…t/&postID=83909#post83909

    • KFGauss -

      But you have heard of me.

    • KFGauss -

      Older sheet of Countries, Cities, Production, and Doctrines docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…b9g7e-77CrcEb5E/htmlview#

  • aplicar wax -

    I don't smoke.

    Not sure about you though.

  • kiasogpy -

    hi why did my levels reset

    • KFGauss -

      Because the universe hates you?

      I don't know. I don't work for Dorado. This is a question for them, not me.

      PS: If you spent 60 seconds googling here in the forum for mentions of similar events you would find out all you need to know.

  • Mother Hen -

    Did you post that?

  • antikfg63936;0 -


    • KFGauss -


      Please choose your potato from among the ones in the bin marked "Substandard, but edible".

  • Tifo_14 -

    Never mind - I read one of your posts wrong.

  • Crayola Crayons -

    Crayola Crayons are the #1 recommended brand by teachers worldwide! Order some today at crayola.com

  • tsitsipats -

    Hello, game 6889872 isn’t loading

  • Hakaishin -

    A laff a minute LMAO. XD I forsee great things in our growing relationship.

  • marquesdpilz -

    Halp plz. Have ben loked out of my acct 4 bing 2 gud. I cankered so much teritry i got band. Unband me plz.

  • d4trollacc2 -

    Gejkkeb ndslkwnknd ioi icisplnshns jsokjdkdndpsknd ifyiennwofhjw kcihdghwlpdnfbgei chunks isiknfjsp nxjsskwnh chkeow jdisiqpqlkdhnakb a djciwdibmw qaanaaqq nfjwpfpgkhwjf djhzhskwpznvvanm cvsbnkspskmsjvxmxouqom founds suzjsmndbf dudjxkzosdh xiuzkaksb

  • Ultimate Furry -

    How is the E-frig exploitable?

    • KFGauss -

      Is there a prize if I guess correctly?

      I dunno. I don't use them.

      However a quick Google-search of the forum site will turn up plenty of E-frig info you can read.

    • Ultimate Furry -

      I was just wondering because it doesn’t seem to have a good use.

  • Ikasijson -

    your wall is really a mess, lmao.

    sorry for that.

  • The Destroyer 4 -

    TI1 FOR TAT! Of the PFP

    • KFGauss -

      Are you having a seizure?
      Are those supposed to be sentences?
      WTF are you trying to tell me/us?

    • The Destroyer 4 -

      And are you having a exorcism, the demon is trying to crawl out of you.

      Spit it out! God damn-it now it's back in there!

    • The Destroyer 4 -

      Its just a Ti! for Tat! You're PFP is based mainly on disrespecting me.

      So I"ll just do the same.

    • KFGauss -

      WTF is a "Ti!"?
      Never mind - I don't want to now.

      Get over yourself. The universe doesn't revolve around you, Mr Goldfish.
      There are many sources of exasperation other than you here and elsewhere.

    • The Destroyer 4 -

      You know what it means it just won't allow me to say it.
      You can obviously use your comprehensive skills to figure out what it mean.

      But instead you throw shade into my direction. :)

      I'm in my own mindset, a mind set... not built off the ones of others. MY universe is what I put myself in until I'm at school. I know you don't have an imagination and base your life off of what you see on TV or what others say, but that's not me.

      SO, yes I'm in my own universe that revolves around me. But in most stances I put others that I like first. Which is not you and your possy.

  • milhaponi -

    What’s the meaning behind your profile picture?

    • KFGauss -

      It is a cartoon character from a show called Futurama. I think her character would be right at home in this forum.

      There is no religious meaning. She uses "OH LORD" as a secular expression of exasperation, not as an actual invocation of the Lord's name.