Suggestion on Maps

    • Suggestion on Maps

      My goal is to emulate present day political tension around sea access and trade routes. (I am thinking about the naval chokepoint NATO has on Russia around Turkey, and India's position to disrupt China's trade.)

      There are many ways to apply this in the game, but I am suggesting a very basic way.

      Suggestions are:
      1. Countries can own some water tiles around their homeland.
      - reflects real world

      2. Strategic sea tiles can have resources and cash income.
      - tries to emulate real life trade routes/ oil deposits

      3. Countries don't have natural sight over sea/water tiles like they do in ground tiles.
      - I don't know how to solve this but I'm sure the community has some suggestions.
    • So you want to present present day trade conflict in CON, I like it but what will we do for landlocked countries like Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, and Austria. And are we able to block out trade from a specific enemy like, if China and Japan declare war will their international be closed between each other like there able to stop there ships to go through their waters. (Can we also make it 4x speed)
      Can we also make it able that we trade goods between countries by ship, (like IRL) trade goods like salt, metal, rare materials, bread, ect.
      "YES WE CAN!" - Barack Obama
      Mr. Gorbechev, tear down this wall! - Ronald Reagan
      We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do other things. John F. Kennedy
      The only thing we need to fear is fear itself. - Franklin D. Roosevelt

      Do not let anyone tell you who you are. - Kamala Harris
    • There are many ways to emulate present day trade, but what I am proposing is very basic and low-level. There can be higher ways to emulate present day trade but I'm not going there, I trust the community can come up with more creative ways. I refrain from giving elaborate suggestions because I don't know the ability of the game code.

      Landlocked countries will have a disadvantage, and these sea resources will not be available to them, just like in real world.

      In my suggestion, it will not be so complex like blocking out trade, if you want to take China's income from that sea tile, you have to declare war and wrest control of that sea tile from China. My solution is very simplistic.

      In my suggestion, you can "lock" russia out of sea access in the Baltic, and so Russia needs to use his cold-docks up north. Diplomacy can be interesting.

      My suggestion doesn't cover resource trade since it opens a whole can of worms and I think allows "King-Making" (sending resources to one coalition player so that that player becomes unreasonably powerful).
    • I think this is a great idea but one question, if the sea around one of my ports is controlled by another player is my port now useless? or can I still produce cruisers and take back the sea?
      "The greatest battles are never won by men but with words"-Me

      "Free flies and no work"-ME

      "Duty is heavier than a mountain death as light as a feather" Lan from the Wheel of Time

    • ok good,

      MIUNAIA wrote:

      In my suggestion, you can "lock" russia out of sea access in the Baltic, and so Russia needs to use his cold-docks up north. Diplomacy can be interesting.
      it just sounded like you said basically this harbors couldn't be used.
      "The greatest battles are never won by men but with words"-Me

      "Free flies and no work"-ME

      "Duty is heavier than a mountain death as light as a feather" Lan from the Wheel of Time