
  • Member since Jan 6th 2021
Last Activity
  • AONN -

    Hi, I accidentally deleted my account, can you reactivate it for me? Nickname Aonn

  • krielginaz -

    hi i have gotten locked out of my account, but i did not multiaccounts, please investigate, my account name is kristall69

  • shieloopfie -

    When can i get registered

  • chaffie -

    my gold was at about 36,000 golds last night but when i logged in this morning they were all gone! my gold said i had zero golds :(
    please please help me get them back... plz! help me :(

  • vimanas -

    ​hi, i seen your profile specially marked, im not sure if your a mod, or have any authority, but could you possibly look into a game im playing,

    we have someone making extreme progress, (not legitimate gains) i dm him being very nice, and curiously ask how much he spent on gold, and he replies he uses hacks,

    he was level 1 and now level 9 since the start of this game,

    can you verify if this player is using legitimate means of gold purchasing, or find out if he is abusing referal link's with bots, or something, for free unhonest gold etc, because what he said in dms was very suspicious, like blatant, said he was hacking,

    he deleted all messages on his end, but i am hopping and assuming mods can still see those in some sort of log,

    not saying any names here in public due to naming and shaming rules, but dm me back for details if needed

  • Volodymir -

    I can not load the will bring me ingame issues.

  • Wilko1 -

    Hi Aquela could you help me please i have been banned but have no idea why, my in game name is Wilko1

  • Bertski1 -

    It seems these people don't care about problems with their game.

  • Bertski1 -

    I also would like to add, My military hasn't been moving in on attack for days and there is no resistance there.

  • Bertski1 -

    My concord territories are not showing up also all my military was reset and returned back to bases. It seems I am not scoring or know where I am in my leadership in the game. Will you please look into this and correct and make the adjustments. I have fallen behind not because of what I can't see. Thank
    k you please respond.

  • BalloonLoki146 -

    Can you plz help me I’m trying to get it to confirm my email but it won’t send me a Confirmation

  • TIG01 -

    Hello, I cant log in, It is message that game was removed or not exist

  • warwarrior4u -

    how do you report someone for cheating, what is the proper way to do that.

  • Veksito -

    Hi, I can't enter the game for more than 24 hours
    I guess it's because of the latest update
    if you can help so i can start playing
    username is Veksito

  • SpaceShot1 -

    i lost 10 strike fighters sitting on a carrier when i declared war on an inactive country. the report said they crashed because they could not land. i didnt lose any ships and i didnt even have a chance to put the jets in the air!!!!!!!!!! i want my jets back and for you to fix your broken game. i've been playing for a while and i'm getting extremely tired of all the new bugs that didnt exist before lately

  • Kenshi -

    Can you change my name from Naxsi to Degoat or EKre

  • kyfrkyfr -

    Arrêtez de vous foutre de la gueule des gens. Pour faire du profit, il n'y a pas de bug, mais quand il s'agit des joueurs, vous vous en foutez complètement.

  • Jack930 -

    Hello I have been having trouble logging in, is this the whole server issue happening to me. How long until it will be fixed and is there anything I can do until then to maybe have it work?

  • Bigpanda69 -

    I was removed from my previous game where i started from how on earth is that happening

  • 17339697 -

    I was removed from a previous game for not responding in 10 minutes. I have invested a lot of money and time in this game. I want back in

  • Kong_Crisis -

    I went from one game to another on my mobile and my account erased and it started another account. I would like my account back Kong_Crisis.

  • Winvarwen -

    In the following BEAMAZEDl video there is an offer of free 13,000 gold and 1 month on a security council. I just signed up be do not see how I can get that offer. Who do I write to about this? I don't expect you to fix this, just point me in the right direction, I'm having issues finding the support contact.

    Thank You.

  • Gwyndie -

    Hi everyone, I have just paid £5.49 for council membership which has come out of my bank account and it tells me that i am not a member with error -22? Then I tried rebuying 90 days and it tells me that I already own this product??? So as it stands my money has been taken for nothing. Can anyone help with this please? Many thanks

  • Wyoming-DeSelms -

    Hello, I started playing this game on my Ipad and then moved over to my laptop. Then last night for some reason it said my password or username was not correct. I tried to reset, but it said my email wasn't in the system and then said my username was not good either. do you know how to get the game back on your ipad, because now it tells me I have to register when I get on the game anywhere.

  • affepaffe -

    Hi! I can't change username in game! I am trying to follow all of your guides but it always says go on settings and change! But in my settings there is no such option. If you can help me to change name i would be very happy! and the game would be a lot more fun to play. My name right now is: user 13730773 I would like to change to Affepaffe! if taken Affe123paffe. If you can help me out with this i would be very thankful!

  • Drsemievil -

    In game 4373537, I am seeing multiple people with the same picture as profile pics for multiple users.... and these are personal pics, not like a generic picture of Darth Vader or some cartoon pic these are real people pics for multiple countries.

  • tinkertiger -

    tried uninstall/reinstall. Still cannot access game since patch update. Goes to user page, i click play, and then loading forever and no game.
    please fix.

  • Gamervad07 -

    I cannot enter the game (on my phone) after updating, I receive notifications but I have an eternal loading and the game logo is on the screen, what should I do?

  • Col_Anubis -

    Can you help change user name?

  • Shadow6-5 -

    Can I be allowed to post?