Pinned English Support Team

    • English Support Team

      Greetings CoNmanders,

      We on your support team hope your battles are going to plan and your victories are built on the defeat of your enemies. We are here to assist you in any issue you may be having in-game be it a toxic game environment or a pesky bug that seems to hinder your battle plans.

      Team Leader:
      This team member is the Team Leader so is responsible for overseeing the English Server Volunteer Support team (taking of the team, and any issues or complaints with Senior or Junior Staff), is always available for a chat on the discord server.


      Senior Game Operator:
      This team member coordinates the GO team and responds to your tickets and handles complaints on GOs.

      @[CTG] Ç L Ē R Í Ç

      Senior Moderator:
      This team member coordinates the mods team and handles complaints on mods.


      Senior Staff:
      These team members are the ones that reply to your tickets when you have issues that need fixing or clarity on a certain question;

      @Warhammer Odinsson

      Junior Staff:
      These team members are your main point of contact when you are in the Global, Help and/or Security Council Chat. They also hang out on; our Discord server and will respond to you there where applicable

      @St. Upbringer
      @Gen Vader
      @[SIN] Ry
      @Darth Lane

      If you ever need one of the team members do not be afraid to send us a PM on our CoN inbox or start a forum conversation with us. We are here to HELP YOU and make your game experience more enjoyable

      All the best on the battlefields CoNmanders!

      Community Support
      PrinceofHonor - EN Team Lead
      EN Community Support
      Dorado Games | Conflict of Nations | Senior Support
      EN Team Lead

      The post was edited 3 times, last by PrinceofHonor ().